Sherwood Fartnsmelly, Nowhere to Puke.
Sherwood Fartnsmelly, schuyster con artist now bilking $1 out of innocent Myspace minors via bad writing, bad English, and very, very bad intentions, harps on & on about impossible scenarios, because the man has no other thoughts, no other interests, no peer group, no friends, no information about anything, and no reason to post on the web.
If he just wants to service his well-advertised "Open Marriage", he might do better to simply advertise in the personals columns of the Pennysaver (he might already be doing this).... but Sherwood wants to feel "Special", so he goes on and on about crap that everybody else is fed up hearing about, digging himself deeper and deeper into a small, lonely below-ground space with no decorations, no air holes, no entrance, no exit, no phone, no internet connection, nothing but rats, bugs, mold, and darkness.
But the thrill of getting even ONE web reply is so great to this major faux pretender, that he keeps it up, because nobody wants a garden landscaped right now, and he's gotten too lazy and "too committed" (ha ha ha) to ever do any work again. Yeah, he is now fooling himself, too, as well as the 12 year olds who view his predatory Myspace flypaper site. Forget his nincompoop wife, who he scammed into providing him with house, home, a cover-name to evade his past with..... she still thinks he's the "dreamdragon" from 5 years ago. But he's not.
The degradation due to drug & alcohol use has brought on a severe egotistical dementia, and the man is hell bent on becoming a celebrity. In short, he is exhibiting the same autosexual obsessive traits as his new mentor-in-madness.... Remy Chevalier. If Remy existed for 57 years as Momma's boy, with no income, chasing UFO stories, and running Tiki nights at bars, well.... why not old Sherwood the Deadwood?
Here's an idea for ya, Sher. Go over to Division street, and offer to perform every Friday night as an "Activist Poet" for free, at one of the little bistros. You can sit in a small spotlight, and test your ideas with customers face to face, instead of hiding in a deceptive, isolating website, like you have started doing of late. Maybe Pina, or somebody, can do little chalk portraits of the audience members, and gather names & phone numbers for ya. I'm sure you can get somebody with a guitar to fill in during your off sets. Peekskill can then be revived into an antinuke neo-Greenwich Village, with YOU at the center of it. Do it for 6 months, and the Journal News can interview you getting applauded, and Pina doing public art "for the cause". It would cost you nothing to do.Remy can photograph it all, and put it in his LU magazine. Oh, there IS no Lu magazine? Oh, sorry about that.
Here's another one...... walk naked from Division Street, down to the train station, with your body painted flourescent green, and Remy filming the "procession". Call it "Action Art". You will DEFINITELY get in the news if you have the nougats to pull THAT one off. But you won't. No guts. No committment. It also could be done absolutely for free.But You just blog, and blog, and blog. Why? to suck in the unsuspecting young people that you wish you were, but are not, and get cash from strangers. It's pitiful, really.
You are NOT an activist.
You are a scheming scam artist, a beggar with a big head, who needs a shave.
And, .... sorry, pal, but there's no Green Simulated Butt-Fly, either.
Just a disorganized tawdry scam blog, bilking kids for money.
For Shame, Sher...... For Shame!
And oh yeah.... we have to add these tags, (like you do)..to get indexed in Technorati:
Indian Point Nuclear Activism Radiation Death Cancer Doom Gloom Sherwood Martinelli Dolls
without those tags..... who would even notice?
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